Clean Craftsmanship
Clean Craftsmanship commence là où Coder proprement s'arrête. Ce guide technique, pragmatique et éthique des disciplines fondamentales de l’artisanat logiciel aborde les normes, en montrant comment les attentes envers les développeurs diffèrent souvent de la réalité. Oncle Bob propose une charte ...
Agile Technical Practices Distilled (en)
Delve deep into the various technical practices, principles, and values of Agile. Key Features Discover the essence of Agile software development and the key principles of software design Explore the fundamental practices of Agile working, including test-driven development (TDD), refactoring, pai...
The Software Craftsman (en)
"After many decades - and even more methodologies - software projects are still failing. Why? Managers see software development as a production line. Companies don't know how to manage software projects and hire good developers. Many developers still behave like factory workers, providing terribl...
The Clean Coder
Le légendaire programmeur Robert C. Martin présente les outils et les pratiques du véritable artisanat du logiciel. Ce livre regorge de conseils pratiques sur l'estimation et le codage. Il ne s'agit pas seulement de la technique, mais également d'attitude. Martin montre: comment aborder le dévelo...
The Pragmatic Programmer (en)
Using anecdotes, analogies, examples and parables, this user-friendly guide offers techniques for getting any programming job done effectively, and can help any programmer improve skills, no matter what level. Incorporates today's top languages, including Java, C, C++, and Perl.
BDD in Action (en)
Summary BDD in Action teaches you the Behavior-Driven Development model and shows you how to integrate it into your existing development process. First you'll learn how to apply BDD to requirements analysis to define features that focus your development efforts on underlying business goals. Then,...